ANS Annual Convention

American Navion Society Annual Convention Report


SNAG was well represented again this year at the ANS annual convention held at Fredericksburg.  Those of you who could not get there were missed, and everyone enjoyed a great time again this year.  Our hosts, Shannon Airport owner Luke Curtis and his staff, worked all week to ensure we felt welcome and had an enjoyable experience.  Shannon Airport has been recently renovated and the facilities are in excellent condition.  I highly recommend a stop there when you are in the DC area.


This year's convention began on Wednesday but some of us arrived on Tuesday to relax and look around. The ANS board of directors decided to try a change in format for this year's convention as to allow members the opportunity to participate in activities over a weekend instead of having to have an entire week off from work.  Official activities began on Wednesday and ended on Monday evening.


Wednesday evening we had our welcoming pizza party.  Thursday we flew over to Luray Caverns, and Saturday we visited the Udvar-Hazy museum at Dulles Airport and the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in downtown Washington.  The All Out Speed Race was held Friday, and the Efficiency Race was held Sunday, and the Proficiency Race was held Monday.  Evenings were filled with social gatherings and fellowship among members. Woody Woodfin hosted an ice cream social on Sunday and afterward we flew out to Tangier Island for dinner.  During the event we had over 45 Navions at Shannon airport.  This number is the most I can remember since our convention at North Platte, Nebraska.


I am always a little sad at the end of convention because the week goes by much too quickly, and my friends depart for home to await another year for the next convention.  Next year we are planning to travel to Riodoso, New Mexico.


Congratulations to SNAG members participating in the flying competition events at the 2015 ANS Annual Convention at Fredericksburg, Virginia. Our combined efforts resulted in SNAG winning the ANS Challenge Cup for our 11th consecutive year!


Winners in the flying events are:


ALL OUT SPEED RACE                 Chapter                                  Speed (from standing start to flying finish)


300 HP

1st       Rusty Herrington                   SNAG                                    201.12 MPH

2nd      Mike Kading                           IV                                        195.12 MPH

            Greg Young                          SNAG                                    193.55 MPH

            Alan Sickinger                       Midwest                                 187.50 MPH

            John Damgard                       SNAG                                    181.36 MPH


285 HP

1st       Rick Mills                               Northeast                                 189.72 MPH

2nd      Bobby Herrington                   SNAG                                     188.48 MPH

            Kevin Woodside                    Northeast                                 187.50 MPH

            Jeff Davis                               SNAG                                     183.21 MPH

            Dave Desmon                        Northwest                                174.12 MPH




            Jason Woodside                    Northeast                                 177.78 MPH


225 HP

1st       Jim Waldron                                                                         162.16 MPH

           Dwight Myers                         Northwest                               158.24 MPH


205 HP

Larry "Woody" Woodfin                   SNAG                                    161.07 MPH

Andy Woodside                                 Northeast                                 159.12 MPH




Jason Woodside with handicap speed of 194.6 MPH (actual speed 171.2 MPH)




EFFICIENCY RACE                                                                       Score (High wins)


1st       Rusty Herrington                   SNAG                                     171.50

2nd      Mike  Kading                         IV                                           165.96

3rd       Rick Mills                             Northeast                                  147.60

            Greg Young                           SNAG                                     143.65

            Jeff Davis                              SNAG                                     143.36

            Bobby Herrington                  SNAG                                    139.34

            Ron Natalie                           Northeast                                134.86

            Dave Desmon                       Northwest                                126.72

            Scott Keller                          Northeast                                 121.59

            Beth Pontiff                           Northeast                                 120.85

            Alan Snowier                        Northwest                                106.50

            Bruce Herrington                   SNAG                                      91.43


PROFICIENCY RACE                                                                    Score (Low wins)


1st       Mike Kading                            IV                                             65

2nd      Jeff Davis                                 SNAG                                       75

3rd      Rusty Herrington                    SNAG                                        183

           Dave Desmon                         Northwest                                  185

           Bobby Herrington                     SNAG                                      243

           Greg Young                           SNAG                                       277

           Ron Natalie                             Northeast                                  403

           Beth Pontiff                             Northeast                                  410

           Bruce Herrington                      SNAG                                      430

           Allan Snowie                          Northwest                                   550


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