Are you interested in hosting a SNAG fly in event?

Contact the SNAG President to check availability such as location and dates. We hold quarterly events plus a pre Sun N Fun event at Canon Creek Air Park. Available dates will be Memorial Day weekend, Labor Day weekend, and a weekend in the fall that will be determined upon scheduling. Contact our president soon to schedule your event.

Things to do about a year in advance
1. Check with the host airport to see that they are able and willing to accomodate fly in. In particular be sure to mention our flying events.
  1. Schedule event with President
Beginning 4 to 6 months in advance

3. Contact local hotels to arrange accomodations. Usually you can arrange a block of rooms at a special rate.
4. Arrange for ground transportation, vans ect.
5. Friday evening meal details. This meal is often covered dish with the host providing the meat and beverage. Members will bring the side dishes based on the first letter of the member's last name.

Beginning 2 months in advance

6. Check with hotel regularly to see how many reservations have been made, and keep the president informed.
7. Get helium and balloons for contests. Get flour or chalk if having a spot landing contest.
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