Welcome to the official web site of the Southern Navion Air Group. We hope you will visit all parts of our web site and view the photo
galleries from our events. You will readily notice that SNAG is about having fun with friends and flying Navion aircraft. We also
hope you will become interested in attending some of our events and becoming a SNAG member. SNAG is a regional chapter of the American
Navion Society, but we do not require ANS membership for participation in our group. SNAG membership is open to anyone who expresses
a love for the Navion. You do not need to own a Navion to become a member of SNAG, as many folks have joined while searching for their
own Navion, and our membership extends all over this country and abroad. Check out the SNAG Facebook page for breaking news.
We are
looking forward to an exciting year of flying our Navions and welcome everyone who has interest in the finest civilian airplane ever
produced by North American Aviation to come along and participate. One of our past presidents has a standing promise to buy the gas
for any first time attendee if they do not have a good time at our event! SNAG hosts regional fly in's in the winter, spring, summer,
and fall. Go to our EVENTS page to see where and when the next SNAG event will be. We hope to see YOU at a SNAG event soon!
Rusty Herrington